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Aja Waalwijk

opening exhibition Zaal 100 

december 2011



 ' Colors that reflect in the dark create the illusion of being lit from the inside.


The absence of any other source of light than the painting or object itself actually makes everything seem to float.


Luminous mobiles suggest being

in a dream ocean; psychedelic designs on round discs and spheres, fluorescent fish in television sets, transparent suitcases filled with fairy tale figures behind paintings on glass.


Tanja Henn creates a world of art that envelopes you,

makes you part of its virtual surroundings.'


Tanja Henn 

visual artist

focused on magic of light

Light Affectable Art on Kisselak TV Station

august 2009 Bosnia Hercegovina

Light Affectable Art

... see it in the right light ...

Tanja Henn

         Tanja Henn              mobiel  06 42 12 05 05                        KvK  77012518

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